Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Make your workplace a part of the solution. Learn meaningful and practical ways to create greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace with this HR guide.

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How can HR managers do a better job with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)?

54% of business leaders say DEI is extremely important in their business and Gen Z says the #1 factor they look for in a future employer is an inclusive workplace.

If you’re not already thinking about how to improve the equality and fairness in your workplace, now is the time to start. When companies commit to concrete steps to improve their DEI, they are

  • more profitable
  • more innovative
  • and see higher cash flow

More importantly, they make a step in the right direction for dismantling systemic problems that have given unfair advantages to certain types of people.

DEI is a sensitive topic, and HR managers may find themselves needing help navigating how to become a more inclusive workplace. If that’s you, this free download is for you. Whether you’re looking for a formal program, or ideas to improve your culture in subtle ways, we’ve got you covered.