Formulas to Calculate the Value of HR Automation

Formulas to Calculate the Value of HR Automation

Use these tips and worksheets to help you quantify how you can save your business time and money.

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HR’s role continues to evolve into a multitude of responsibilities — from data analysis and crisis management, to mentoring and diversity specialization.

As an HR professional, are you and your team doing things “the old HR way” — like filling out forms by hand and relying on paperwork? If so, it’s likely bogging you down and distracting your organization from larger business goals.

In Formulas to Calculate the Value of HR Automation, we provide tips and worksheets to help you quantify how you can save your business time and money by automating the following:

  • Time and attendance
  • Payroll and taxes
  • Benefits and healthcare

Companies that leverage technology to manage HR tasks see major gains in cost savings, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage.