Cutting staff is never easy

Cutting staff is never easy

Businesses must adapt to stay alive. Sometimes this means cutting staff. While there's no easy way, this guide can help.

4060 people have used this resource

Why did we make this?

No business owner wants to let go of staff, but ultimately it’s a natural part of business. And a tricky one at that. There are very few resources out there to help business owners or managers navigate the end of the employer-employee relationships, so we built this eBook to help.

We’re not suggesting you let your employees go. But as an HR company, we have some wisdom, and thus responsibility, to share some things we know.

What’s included: 

  • Offboarding checklist
  • The difference between involuntary and voluntary terminations
  • Where to check with state laws
  • How to document terminations
  • Personal accounts of people who’ve both had to let employees go, or had been let go themselves, and what they learned from that experience.