A New Way to Approach Employee Performance Reviews

A New Way to Approach Employee Performance Reviews

Here’s why you should boot your system of annual evaluations — and rethink the way you approach performance management.

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It’s estimated that 70% of all international companies are actively moving away from traditional performance reviews.

While giant companies seem to be getting rid of annual reviews, very few organizations are eliminating performance management entirely. Why? The concept of performance management shouldn’t die — but the traditional methods of it need fixing.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to build a successful performance alignment strategy, which includes the 5 pillars:

  • Aligns to your overarching business goals and values
  • Is measurable and adaptable
  • Drives the intended actions
  • Occurs frequently and consistently
  • Treats your people as adults

Find out how a performance alignment strategy can help improve communication across your company and motivate employees to achieve business goals.