Payroll Report Templates [Excel]

Payroll Report Templates [Excel]

Use these professional-grade payroll report templates in Microsoft Excel to complete your labor distribution and payroll register reports. Or modify them to fit your needs.

4508 downloads and counting...!

40% of small to mid-sized businesses incur IRS penalties related to incorrect payroll filings with an average penalty of $845. Zenefits Payroll simplifies the payroll process, increasing accuracy, and managing payroll compliance in all 50 U.S. states. And now, we offer payroll reporting, too, right in our product.

Download our Payroll Report Templates to get started with professional payroll reports.

These two ready-to-use excel spreadsheets report on:
  • Regular, overtime & other hours
  • Regular, overtime & other earnings
  • Reimbursements
  • Deductions
  • Employer contributions
  • Employee & employer taxes
  • Net pay by an individual employee for a pay run or period

Save these templates, and make payroll reporting easier anytime.