Workest Weekly: 2022 Recruitment Trends, Celebrating Pride and Juneteenth, Penalties for Benefits Noncompliance

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


Happy Workest Weekly Sunday! ICYMI, Pride month is here and it’s not too late to celebrate. Here’s how to effectively recognize this important month at your workplace. Juneteenth is also exactly a week away. Find out ways your business can support the holiday through our guide and podcast episode. We’re also almost halfway through 2022, and attracting the right talent has been challenging for many hiring managers this year. But that’s no reason to stop trying. Discover 5 top trends shaping recruitment right now.

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

June 14, 2022 

Flag Day. This day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777.

June 19, 2022 

Juneteenth. Juneteenth is the oldest known holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S.

Father’s Day. Remember to celebrate the fathers and father figures in your workplace!

Unprecedented shifts in the job market have forced recruiters to become more agile and innovative. Here are the top trends shaping recruitment in 2022.

Top 5 Recruitment Trends for 2022

Rarely has there been a time when attracting the right talent was as challenging as it is today. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic’s enduring effects on society and the economy, education and upskilling systems have lost significant momentum, and the job market has shifted from being driven by prospective employees to one where employers are scrambling for talent.

Looking ahead, recruitment challenges do not seem to be easing any time soon. Fortunately, recruitment professionals are not giving up without a fight. Instead, they are continuously coming up with new ideas and strategies to find, attract, and retain talent, despite the difficult circumstances.



Celebrating the Juneteenth Holiday: Ways Your Business Can Support Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.

Ways Your Business Can Support Juneteenth

For most businesses, June 19 may seem like another workday. But if you check your calendar, you’ll find June 19 is a holiday, Juneteenth. This is the oldest known holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. And it is that — a day of celebration.

But this holiday is not widely known by Americans.

Take the time to understand the deep historical and emotional significance of Juneteenth and incorporate them in the workplace to further support your business’ diversity and inclusion initiatives.


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Some states are seeing the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years, despite the pandemic, inflation, and supply chain disruption. Here’s why.

What Are the Reasons That Some States Have Record-Low Unemployment?

Between the pandemic and the Great Resignation, the U.S. experienced record-high unemployment rates — until now. As of April 2022, 17 states have seen a record-low unemployment rate, with the highest amount of unemployed people residing in the District of Columbia at 5.8%. Businesses affected by COVID have seen the biggest gains in employment, including leisure and hospitality, professional services, transportation, and warehousing.



Learn about the history of the month, why it should matter for your business, and how to best celebrate it with your workforce.

Why Recognizing Pride Month Matters for Your Business’ Success

June offers everyone a chance to expand their understanding of the reality that the LGBTQIA+ community still faces disparate, grotesque, and unfair treatment that is rampant in the U.S. and across the globe. In order to be an advanced and civilized society, we must all learn to stop judging one another based on differences and operate from a place of acceptance and appreciation. Learn why June is the month designated to bring attention to Pride month, and how to effectively celebrate it at your workplace.



Whether candidates are ghosting or rejecting your job offers, you’re not alone.

HR Headaches: Candidates Aren’t Accepting My Job Offers

Do you often find yourself struggling to understand why offers aren’t being accepted in a talent market gone completely haywire? Some candidates vanish off the face of the earth after what you considered a successful interview process. Others are taking an endless amount of time to decide whether or not to accept your offer. Here’s what to do when you’re faced with this dilemma.



Inflation is requiring employers to pay more in penalties for not complying with numerous benefits laws.

Penalties for Benefits Noncompliance

Employers have to pay more in penalties for not complying with benefits laws under the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced increases in penalties for noncompliance with benefits laws involving: privacy, security, and notification rules. HHS’s penalties increase annually under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

What Your Small Business Should Know About Juneteenth

Juneteenth is Sunday, June 19th. Should small business leaders plan to acknowledge and celebrate the holiday, even if they haven’t in the past?

On this episode of POPS!, Zenefits VP of People Ops Danny Speros joins Issac Vaughn for a conversation about what Juneteenth is, how it’s celebrated, and the importance of acknowledging it — even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. You’ll hear how talking about Juneteenth plays into broader diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and why everyone benefits when small businesses foster inclusive workplaces.



Did you know that the average citation that a SMB receives when they’re found out of compliance is $30,651?

Join Our Compliance Webinar

We’ll dive right in here: What would you do with 90+ extra hours added to your year? That’s 5,400 minutes. You could fly from New York to Hawaii … 6 times. Zenefits gives you that time back. Join us for just 30 minutes and we’ll show you how automating compliance features not only saves you time — it’ll save you money.


Here are the best #HR articles of the week! Adapt to the Current Talent Market by @essiumllc | Operating Under High Stress as an HR Professional by @gethppy | HR Headaches: My Employees Are Talking About Unionizing by @zenefits

— Human Resources Today
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