Workest Weekly: How to Retain Millennial and Gen Z Employees, Feds Enact Workplace Pregnancy Accommodations, Guide to Salary Exempt Employees

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Whether you watch the game or not, we hope you’re having a relaxing weekend. This week, we look at how HR and business leaders can help their organizations to navigate change and growth. Learn about best practices for leading teams through new processes (even when they’re resistant to change). Plus, discover why encouraging employees to take safe, calculated risks can lead to innovation and future success. Finally, Millennials make up the largest portion of the U.S. workforce, followed closely by Gen Zers. Take these steps to ensure your company is doing everything it can to attract and retain these employees.

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

February 13, 2023

Clean Out Your Computer Day. When was the last time you cleaned out your downloads folder, or organized your documents? Today is the day! #CleanOutYourComputerDay

February 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day. Roses are red, violets are blue …

February 17, 2023

Random Acts of Kindness Day. #KindnessDay. Celebrate kindness today and every day!

February 18, 2023

National Drink Wine Day. #NationalDrinkWineDay. This year it’s on a Friday — hooray!

How to Create Process for Process-Averse Teams
It’s key to introduce change in the workplace with careful consideration. Follow these tips to get employee support and buy-in.

How to Create Process for Process-Averse Teams

All companies, at some point, will need to introduce a new process or a process change. While management might be excited to get the ball rolling on a required change, you might face resistance from your employees.

There are many reasons for this, and in general, people tend to be change-averse. This is why it’s key to introduce change in the workplace carefully and strategically. In other words, you’ll need a process for process change.


A new era of workplace requirements has taken the labor force by storm. See how your business can appeal to Millennial and Gen Z talent to keep them with your organization for years to come.

How to Retain Millennial and Gen Z Employees

Millennials currently make up the largest portion of the U.S. labor force. By 2025, they’re expected to take up over half of the workforce. Following closely behind both in age and workplace saturation are Gen Z job seekers, who currently make up 13% of the workforce and could reach 27% by 2025.

For many people in these generations, work-life balance, purpose, and total well-being are just as important as compensation when job shopping. Find out more about how to attract and retain these employees.


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Empowering employees to take risks benefits both the company and the staff. Find out more about how and why to encourage safe risk-taking among your workers.

Encouraging Employees to Take Risks

Innovation begins with risk, and for business leaders, encouraging employees to take smart, calculated risks may be the road to future success. The most innovative companies create a culture where risk-taking is encouraged and celebrated, and mistakes are lessons learned and built upon. To reach higher with your business, it may be time to step out of everyone’s comfort zone.



Here’s what employers need to know about how to stay compliant with the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the PUMP Act.

Feds Enact Workplace Pregnancy Accommodations, Expand Lactation Requirements

Workplace accommodations for pregnant and nursing mothers long debated by Capitol Hill lawmakers become a reality this year. The spending bill that cleared Congress and the President’s desk late last year includes 2 laws that increase federal protections for working mothers. Find out whether your business will be affected — and even if it’s not, how you can adopt similar policies to stay competitive with larger businesses.



Input from employees who work directly under a manager can be insightful and can lead to better team cohesion and productivity.

Tips for Conducting Effective Manager Performance Reviews

Manager performance reviews can be an excellent tool for business if they’re structured correctly and forward-thinking. They present an opportunity for candor and outline avenues to grow and develop. When managers and staff buy into the process, the entire organization benefits. Try these strategies to successfully implement manager performance reviews.



Are all salaried employees exempt? What, exactly, are these employees exempt from?

Everything You Need to Know About Salary Exempt Employees

If you’re a new employer or you’re creating a new position in your organization, you might be wondering how to categorize employees’ salary status. We explain what defines salary exempt employees and how they differ from their non-exempt counterparts. To be classified as exempt, the employee must meet 3 tests — find out what those are.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

Assess Yourself! And Learn How to Lead POPS Plans

As an HR or People Operations leader, keeping up with best practices can be overwhelming. Lucky for you, we’ve created a resource that will take just a few minutes of your time and get you on the fast track to managing your workforce with best-in-class strategies.

Jean Spencer, Director of Marketing Programs at Zenefits, shares about the People Operations Assessment, a short quiz that sets you up for success with employee engagement, productivity, and retention.



Did you know that the average citation that a SMB receives when they’re found out of compliance is $30,651?? And that’s just the average.

Join Our Compliance Webinar

We’ll dive right in here: What would you do with 90+ extra hours added to your year? That’s 5,400 minutes. You could fly from New York to Hawaii … 6 times. Zenefits gives you that time back. Join us for just 30 minutes and we’ll show you how automating compliance features not only saves you time, but it’ll save you money.

Register for our Compliance webinar now.


The best way to stay on top of common #compliance situations is by having it all in one place.

Download the 2023 HR Compliance Calendar and Guide to help avoid costly mistakes:

— Zenefits
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