Workest Weekly: Top Recruitment Mistakes to Avoid, Guide to Job Shadowing, Best HR Tech for Recruiting & Hiring

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


We hope you had a great week! Finding and hiring excellent employees continues to be a top priority for HR and business leaders everywhere. This week, we’ll show you 7 recruitment mistakes to avoid and 5 must-have HR technologies for improved recruiting and hiring. One of the best ways to attract top candidates is to offer an excellent benefits package. However, you might be surprised to learn that some of the benefits that employers think will be popular are actually some of the least popular among employees. Find out what those are here. Once you find the right candidates and bring them on board, learn about 2 key ways to retain them — through providing a safe and inclusive work environment and offering a job shadowing program.

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

August 22, 2022

Prepare for Back to School. School is starting up again. Consider running a “Back to School” promotion or sale.

August 26, 2022

National Dog Day. Don’t lie to us. We know your camera roll has 3,000 pictures of your dog. Time to share with #NationalDogDay!

National Women’s Equality Day. Celebrated annually to commemorate the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.

7 Recruitment Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding these 7 major recruitment mistakes can help refine your process so you capture the best talent your company can afford in your area.

7 Recruitment Mistakes to Avoid

Recruitment mistakes cost time and talent. Open positions are a burden on the company — they leave your organization in a position of letting work go by the wayside, or put more pressure on existing staff to get it done.

The good news is, recruitment is a talent you can hone. You can build your skill set to hire quickly without sacrificing quality. Avoiding these recruitment mistakes can mean great, long-term hires no matter what the market throws your way.


HR 101: The ABCs of the ADA
Understanding what the Americans with Disabilities Act requires of employers is critical to compliance. Read this guide to learn more about essential key terms within the ADA.

HR 101: The ABCs of the ADA

The ADA prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with a disability who can perform the essential functions of a job with or without a reasonable accommodation that does not pose an undue hardship on the employer.

The overall language of the ADA is relatively simple, but the meaning behind the language is more complex. In this guide, we dive into each key term to help you navigate exactly what it means for you, the employer.


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Microaggressions can be harmful to your employees who are experiencing them. Take these steps to create a safe and inclusive work environment.

Are Microaggressions Sabotaging Your Teams?

Microaggressions can erode psychological safety, contribute to burnout, and cause your employees to feel invalidated. If you’re trying to build a winning employee culture, the presence of microaggressions will make it difficult for your employees to thrive. If you suspect microaggressions are eroding your company culture, it’s important to take action quickly — learn how, here.



Here are 5 must-have HR tools, apps, and software to improve your recruiting, hiring, and human resources efforts as a whole.

5 HR Technologies for Improved Recruiting and Hiring

Finding the perfect candidate for each role has always been an elusive goal for organizations, but today it is much less elusive than ever before. In fact, with the available technology, it’s never been easier to target recruits and ensure that your HR efforts are on point. Check out these 5 must-have HR technologies to improve your recruiting, hiring, and human resources efforts.



We know the benefits employees love — but what about those they hate? These are the top 7 worst employee benefits and perks.

7 Worst Employee Benefits

We know what employees want, generally, when it comes to benefits. Better health insurance coverage, generous paid time off, and other benefits all rank highly regarding retention. But what benefits do employees hate? The fact is, some benefits contribute to a healthy company culture and employee work-life balance — and some benefits are really half-baked perks. Here are some of the least effective benefits and perks on the market today.



Find out how job shadowing can benefit both your company and employees, plus tips for developing a shadowing plan.

Job Shadowing: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

Job shadowing is seeing a resurgence. Today, it’s being used to entice new hires as well as cross-train and promote existing employees. It gives workers an opportunity to see if a job would be the right fit for them. If it is, there’s an opportunity to grow into the role. If not, resources aren’t wasted on a potentially unsuccessful promotion. Discover tips for how you can implement job shadowing at your organization.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

How Do I Simplify My Employee Income Verification Process?

Many steps in the income verification process can lead to headaches for your HR team and your employees. So how can you simplify it to get people what they need without unnecessary stress?

To answer this question, Adam Kerin, VP of Product Marketing at Truework, explains how SMB leaders can automate this process for free.



2020 brought us COVID and 2021 brought us a new world of work plus The Great Resignation … 2022 is not the year to be lacking in employee engagement tools for your staff.

Join Our Employee Engagement Webinar

500 billion dollars on average: This is what lack of productivity, responsibility, turn over, hiring and lack of motivation costs companies nation-wide.

Zenefits has your back (and reinforces your pocketbook’s lining) by streamlining your employee engagement process by offering tools, customizable surveys, identifying trends, and creating actionable insight into productivity, satisfaction, and feedback from your most valued asset: your employees.


As the fight for workers stays fierce, how can hiring managers use competitive salaries to attract talent without devaluing existing employees? @NadeneEvansSEO of @zenefits offers advice.

— Employee Benefit News
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