Workest Weekly: How to Celebrate Filipino American History Month in the Workplace, Checklist for Reducing Quiet Quitting, Addressing Booster Shots in Vaccine Policies

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


We cover several important news topics in this week’s newsletter! It’s the last week of October, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate Filipino American History Month in the workplace. Check out ways to ​​commemorate Filipino American history at work. Booster shots provide added protection against COVID-19; here’s how to address them in your vaccine policy. Last week, we looked at ways to prevent quiet quitting. This week, we have a detailed checklist you can use to pinpoint potential drivers of the trend. Finally, there’s good news for many people with student loans who have the opportunity to have some forgiven. Employers have a chance to demonstrate they care about their employees’ financial well-being by sending out a memo detailing how to apply for student loan cancellation. We hope you have a wonderful week!

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

October 24

Civic Time Off: Consider offering paid Civic Time Off to your employees to allow them to vote on November 2.

October 27

Cranky Coworkers Day: Yup. This is a real holiday. And if you don’t know who the cranky coworker is in your office, it might be you!

October 30

Checklist Day: Are you super organized? Place a checkmark next to this holiday! Create a checklist of your own, or use one of ours to keep your business on track.

Addressing Booster Shots in Vaccine Policies
How do booster doses fit into vaccination policies? Here’s what to consider as you decide whether or not (and how) to address booster doses in vaccination policies.

Addressing Booster Shots in Vaccine Policies

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to including booster doses in vaccination requirements (or not). It’s up to federal, state, and local regulations and what’s best for your business. A lot has changed since the original COVID vaccines, and there’s no entirely right or wrong answer about what to do with vaccination policies in 2022.

The best thing you can do is to use this guide as a starting point for navigating the issue, then work with your HR and legal teams to figure out the best course of action.


How to Celebrate Filipino American History Month in the Workplace
Celebrating FAHM in the workplace can be a great way to honor and include the Filipino community and history. Here are ideas to get you started.

How to Celebrate Filipino American History Month in the Workplace

October is Filipino American History Month (FAHM). If you lead an inclusive organization, celebrating FAHM in the workplace can be a great way to foster a sense of belonging among employees. Supporting diversity in the workplace is also good for business: research shows that ethnically diverse teams outperform homogenous ones.

So, how do you commemorate Filipino American history at work? Here are some ways you can get started.


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Quiet quitting is synonymous with low engagement. If you want to boost retention, you’ll want to follow this checklist.

Increase Engagement and Combat Quiet Quitting With This People Operations Checklist

When we look at quiet quitting in detail, it becomes apparent that it’s synonymous with a lack of engagement. However, regularly maintaining a high percentage of engaged employees is no easy feat. Use this checklist to pinpoint the drivers of engagement and essential action steps you can take to increase it among your staff.



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How to Make Human Resources a Profit Driver

Those who’ve succeeded with core HR practices see 3.5 times more revenue growth and more than twice the profit margins of other companies. Leaders know HR has impressive potential, but few are willing to make this department the profit driver it can be. Moreover, business leaders may be willing, but they’re unsure of how to proceed.

Let’s talk about how you can change that. Implement these strategies to make HR a profit driver.



Helping your employees figure out the student loan cancellation process is an easy way to show you care and could boost employee morale.

Are Your Employees Eligible for Student Loan Debt Forgiveness?

President Biden has unveiled a new initiative that will shave off up to $20,000 from student loan debt for many people. But it isn’t necessarily an automatic process, and some employees may not be sure what to do or when to apply.

For employers and HR managers looking for simple ways to show they care, sending out a memo on the government’s debt cancellation can be an easy win. We’ll show you what to include in the memo — and other ways to support your employees’ financial well-being.



Learning and development can get lost during the churn of daily business, but its benefits for current and future success can’t be overlooked.

Learning and Development: Does Your Business Do Enough of It?

According to Pew Research, 35% of workers say that they will need more learning and development if they want to advance in their current positions. The good news is that, by offering L&D initiatives, you’re more likely to attract and retain top talent, gain new business leaders for succession planning, and improve employee performance.

Discover the benefits of a strong culture of learning and development, the types of training methods you can employ, and some best practices for your L&D program.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

I’m Seeing Turnover; What Should I Do?

Is your organization experiencing a lot of turnover? It can be overwhelming to figure out what to do when it’s happening, let alone prevent it from becoming an uncontrollable pattern.

In this episode, Summer Rogers, Senior Solution Consultant from the embedded analytics team at Visier, joins the show to share what you can do proactively and what you can do reactively to combat this issue.



Discover ways to save money by using key “people analytics” metrics in your HR function.

How to Save Money With People Analytics

93% of small business owners are worried about the U.S. economy experiencing a recession in the next 12 months, says a new survey by Goldman Sachs.

65% have increased their prices for goods and services to offset negative impacts of inflation, rising gas prices, and decreased consumer demand.

But there could be smarter ways to save than having to change your core pricing.

By using data analysis on your biggest cost — your employees — you could discover how to save thousands of dollars in hiring, costly mistakes, and workforce planning.

See which data to track, and how you could start saving money right away, in this eBook.


Today, we're so excited to welcome TriNet Zenefits to our embedded analytics family! Read more about this partnership here:

— Visier
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