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Policies Employers Should Consider Implementing During Flu Season

Businesses lose over $576 billion annually from absent sick employees. Consider implementing these policies to help your workers stay healthy.

What Employers and HR Leaders in Oregon and WA need to know about the new FMLA programs

In a rare move, the Oregon and Washington state agencies that oversee each state’s paid family and medical leave programs have issued joint guidance on how to make the employer contribution for family leave when more than one state is involved.

Free Small Business and HR Compliance Calendar: December 2022

The last month of 2022 is here! Super Saturday, the start of winter, Christmas ... download our December calendar for compliance reminders, social media events, and other dates to know.

Giving Tuesday Campaigns Teams Can Participate in Virtually

Even remote employees can have a part in Giving Tuesday — and have a great time doing so. Try these charitable activities with your staff.

How to Set Goals for the New Year Using Data From Q4

As 2023 approaches, use these techniques with data and metrics from the final quarter of 2022 to set the basis for business goals for the next year.

How the Inflation Reduction Act Will Affect Businesses and Workers

The Inflation Reduction Act will affect corporations more than small businesses in most cases. If you provide an ACA health plan or are in the energy industry, you may be eligible for tax credits.

Free Small Business and HR Compliance Calendar: November 2022

Open enrollment, Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday ... download our November calendar for compliance reminders, social media events, and other dates to prepare for.

Addressing Booster Shots in Vaccine Policies

How do booster doses fit into vaccination policies? Here’s what to consider as you decide whether or not (and how) to address booster doses in vaccination policies.

Are Your Employees Eligible for Student Loan Debt Forgiveness?

Helping your employees figure out the student loan cancellation process is an easy way to show you care and could boost employee morale.

Benefits in 2022: Pros and Cons of Offering Student Loan Assistance

There are plenty of reasons to consider offering student loan assistance to your employees. Here’s why it’s a good idea and how to start implementing it.