Workest Weekly: Top 2022 Employee Complaints and How to Address Them, Smart Hiring Strategies, Internal Communications Best Practices

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


Happy October! We hope your fall is off to a great start. The Great Resignation has brought the importance of retaining employees to the forefront. Discover the top 2022 employee complaints and how to address them to hang on to your best workers. Effective communication is another vital component of retention and company success. We’ll show you tips and best practices for internal communication, nonverbal communication, and communicating with your remote team. Finally, check out our list of 7 smart hiring strategies for small businesses.

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

October 3

National Customer Service Week: October 4-8 is National Customer Service Week. Celebrate the employees who make your business great by supporting your customers on a daily basis.

October 4

National Taco Day: Let’s Taco ’bout the best food ever! If you don’t like tacos, we’re nacho type… Inhale tacos, exhale negativity. #NationalTacoDay

What are workers’ common complaints in 2022 and what are solutions employers can implement to address them and retain staff? Find out, here.

Top 2022 Employee Complaints and How to Address Them

Out of the 68.9 million workers who left jobs last year, an astonishing 47.4 million of them quit voluntarily. With so many employees quitting, it’s more essential than ever to work to retain your staff. So, what exactly are workers’ top complaints? We’ll show you, so that you can work to prevent or improve those issues at your organization — and hang on to valuable employees.


Embrace These 10 Internal Communications Best Practices
Successful businesses follow common internal communications best practices to minimize mishaps and optimize workflow. Here’s how to join them.

Embrace These 10 Internal Communications Best Practices

A survey of more than 1,400 employees, executives, and customers revealed that 85% of respondents cited lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as primary causes of workplace failures. On the other hand, workplaces that use internal communications best practices can see significant boosts in productivity. Use these techniques to strengthen communication within your organization.


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How to Expand Your Business Online

If you haven’t taken your business online yet, you’re likely missing out on leads. Today, only 24% of consumers spend time with offline media. In contrast, 82% are entirely online. And while brick-and-mortar businesses took a hit in 2020, online businesses grew sales by 15%. But simply deciding to “go online” is easily overwhelming. After all, what does it even mean to have an online business? Check out our essential guide to learn how to start the process.



Small business owners can find and hire qualified employees by building a diversified strategy. Try these 7 methods to find your next great staff member.

7 Hiring Strategies for Small Businesses That Don’t Suck

Small businesses make up the backbone of the job market — in fact, they account for 99.9% of U.S. businesses. But with the number of job openings hovering around 11 million for most of 2022, sourcing and hiring employees has become tougher than ever. Small business owners can still find and hire qualified employees by building a diversified strategy. Try the techniques on this list to get ahead of the competition.



As remote work takes over the world, HR must ensure company culture is not lost in the transition. Here are 6 tips for enhancing culture in remote teams.

Top 6 Tips for Enhancing Company Culture in Remote Teams

Company culture is vital for employee productivity, satisfaction, and retention in today’s work environment. Positive employee culture is especially critical for remote teams. The lack of face-to-face interaction often makes remote employees feel disconnected from the company. Implement an effective culture-building strategy with these tips.



Nonverbal communication in the workplace is a powerful force. Learn how to make sure you use it to send the messages you mean to.

A Head-to-Toe Guide to Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace

Effective communication is essential to maximizing efficiency, creating strong team relationships, and helping initiatives progress productively. A big part of that equation is the role of nonverbal communication. Find out how nonverbal communication affects employee morale, and try these techniques to create effective nonverbal interactions in the workplace.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

People Are a Part of Any Transformation — How Does This Fit into the ‘Emorational’ Part of HR?

Any change starts with your people. When decisions need to be made, people’s opinions will differ, and it’s HR’s job to make decisions that take everyone’s view into account.

In this episode, David Watson, Product Marketing Manager at Zenefits, talks about how the rational and emotional aspects of decision-making can play into people operations.



Whether you already have benefits plans or are looking for them, Zenefits provides the flexibility and guidance to help you put the right plans in place for your strategy.

Join Our Benefits Webinar

I’ll dive right in here: Zenefits is the only solution that simplifies your benefits search and provides you with leading technology to administer and manage health plans for your business. Whether you’re just getting started with your benefits strategy or looking for better ways to streamline — Zenefits can help! Don’t believe us? Experience a live-demo Tuesday, October 4 when the Zenefits team will show you just how easy it is.


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