Workest Weekly: Top Reasons to Offer Student Loan Assistance, How to Save Time and Money When Recruiting, EEOC Announces ADA Guidance for Using AI in Assessment

Welcome to Workest Weekly — a newsletter for small business owners, HR leaders, and their growing teams.


We hope you had a fantastic week! Student loan assistance has been a major topic in the news lately. Discover the potential benefits of offering student loan assistance to employees. Other benefits that employees appreciate are training and development. Learn more about the types and advantages of employee training courses. Making some minor changes to your recruiting process can save your company time and money — and ultimately increase employee engagement and retention. Find out what those changes are, here. Finally, discover the many ways that tech can be used for good in human resources. We hope you have a great week ahead!

Small Business and HR Compliance dates this week:

October 10

World Mental Health Day: Observed annually to raise awareness and support of mental health with the goal to erase the negative stigma. #WorldMentalHealthDay

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a day to recognize indigenous people and honor their history and culture. It began as a counter celebration to Columbus Day.

October 11

International Day of the Girl: Celebrate the hardworking women in your office. #DayOfTheGirl

October 15

Notice of Creditable/Non-Creditable Coverage: If you offer prescription drug coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals, you must notify them as to whether the plan’s prescription drug coverage is creditable coverage.

October 16

Boss’s Day: Time to send your boss a thank you card for being awesome! If they aren’t awesome….you should probably send them a little something anyway LOL. #BossDay

Benefits in 2022: Pros and Cons of Offering Student Loan Assistance
There are plenty of reasons to consider offering student loan assistance to your employees. Here’s why it’s a good idea and how to start implementing it.

Benefits in 2022: Pros and Cons of Offering Student Loan Assistance

A study shows that 75% of Americans think that employers should help pay for college. Student loan repayment assistance can be a major draw for talent, help with retention, and boost your DEI initiatives. There are also potential downsides to keep in mind. Read this guide to help you navigate the potential benefits and drawbacks of offering employees loan assistance to make the right decision for your organization.


10 Ways Tech Can Be Used for Good in Human Resources
Discover how HR can use technology to improve employee performance, create a unified culture, make more informed decisions, and more.

10 Ways Tech Can Be Used for Good in Human Resources

As HR professionals implement new software, it is essential to consider how technology can be used for good in the field and where businesses can implement strategic tools to improve efficiency. Whether it’s engaging employees, tracking data, or improving the hiring and recruitment processes, technology can help HR departments in several ways. Discover how, here.


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There’s not a company on Earth that can successfully avoid organizational change. Implementing new technology, mergers, switching up processes, and getting used to new leadership are changes we’ll all probably deal with in our careers. Navigating change management is one of the toughest business strategies leaders must handle. Find out how to best communicate change to your workforce with this guide.



The use of tech can make it easier to assess employees’ skills, but employers need to take these steps to combat AI bias and ensure ADA compliance.

EEOC Announces ADA Guidance for Using AI in Screening and Assessment

The use of tech can make it easier to assess employee skills and help inform whether or not they’re ready to move up. However, the government is concerned this technology may tend to exclude if structures are not built into the systems to accommodate the needs of a diverse applicant pool. Discover how to ensure that your company’s hiring and employment processes work for every applicant and employee.



Making these minor changes to your recruiting process can save your company money and ultimately increase employee engagement and retention.

How to Avoid Major Setbacks in Your Recruiting Process

Hiring employees isn’t just a lengthy process — it’s also costly. So, it’s helpful to fine-tune the recruiting process when possible. Replacing a single worker can cost 1 to 2 times their annual income. As a result, repetitive steps to hiring someone can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars a year if the turnover rate is high. Implement these recruiting techniques to save time and money.



Employee training courses can help a company make major improvements in its performance and employee job satisfaction.

These Employee Training Courses Can Level Up Your Team

Employee training empowers workers to gain the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs. Training is a worthwhile investment for all employers because proper training helps to ensure that different aspects of your business operate efficiently and productively. It also provides your team members with an opportunity to grow professionally. Learn more about the types and benefits of employee training courses.


POPS The People Podcast

The POPS! Podcast by Zenefits helps small business leaders build people teams and succeed in the new world of work.

Workforce Trends and the Analytics You Should Be Tracking

In today’s increasingly complex world, acting on gut feelings is not always the best way to make company decisions, especially when it involves your people.

Andrea Derler, Principal of Research and Value at Visier, shares what workforce trends leaders should be aware of and the analytics they should track alongside them.



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Take some time and read the best #HR articles of the week! Learn New Methods for HR to Improve Your Team by @gethppy | 10 Types of Paid Time Off You Can Offer Employees by @patriotsoftware | Top 2022 Employee Complaints and How to Address Them by @zenefits

— Human Resources Today
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