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SMB Trends

Forces shaping the landscape for small and mid-size businesses

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3 Ideas for Celebrating LGBTQ(I) Pride at Work

It’s June, which means Summer is imminent and Pride Month is already in full swing! How are you celebrating pride at work? Whoever you are and whatever your business, there is something you can do to show your support!

Interview Bootcamp: 4 Hiring Tips to Help Your Team Recruit Top Talent

When it comes to hiring top talent, everyone needs to be on board. Learn how to train your team to ace the interview and land top recruits.

What Is an Agile Workspace? Does It Makes Sense for Small Businesses?

From Silicon Valley and beyond, the agile workspace is all the rage. But before your small business deconstructs the cubicle walls, you should have a good understanding of what an agile office really looks like. Here are the pros and cons.

Can Your Office Have a Culture?

As soon as someone Googles your company, enters your building, or experiences any other interaction with your organization, they form an idea of your office culture—for better or worse. A good office culture is absolutely crucial to economic success, innovation, and attracting top talent. Here's how to build yours.

What Millennial Employees Really Want from HR Software

As of last year, millennial employees officially comprise the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. It's no surprise many small business owners and HR departments are diving deep to understand what makes this generation of workers tick. Here's what Millennial employees look for in their hr software and beyond.

What Goes In a New Hire Welcome Email [Template]

Jumpstart your new hire's first day by engaging them from day one. Follow our step by step guide on how to write a great new hire welcome email that will make your new teammate feel welcome!

Eco-Friendly Benefits: How Green is Your Benefits Package?

In preparation for this Earth Day (April 22nd), we’d like to shed some light on recent environmentally friendly work perks that your employees will love! Read on to find examples of cost-efficient green benefits as well as tips on how to implement them.

Recruiting for Diversity in the Workplace

Silicon Valley is shockingly homogenous and may be getting worse. Diversity in the workplace is not only ethical, but it’s also financially beneficial. So, how do you promote diversity beyond surface-level statistics? Here are some techniques to promote diversity and inclusion.

Onboarding Costs for New Employees

The employee onboarding process can be expensive. Learn what factors into onboarding costs and how a well-planned onboarding program can help minimize them.

Wellness Programs: 4 Work Perks Your Employees Will Love

Offering services and products to support employees’ mental, emotional, and physical health is becoming increasingly popular. With these ample options, we’ve put together some of the top wellness program trends to help you determine which one might be a good fit for your company.


Remote Work or Return to Work? Exposing the Gap Between What Employers Think and How Workers Feel

Returning to work amidst COVID-19: See how small business owners and employees feel about remote work, if they see themselves returning to an office, and what preparations they are making as states begin to reopen.

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Coronavirus Checklist
Current Affairs

Coronavirus Checklist

An editable .docx template preloaded with tools and tips...


Tips to Conserve Cash

A list of grants and federal aid available during COVID-19...


The State of Flexible Work Arrangements

Get a first look at which flexible work arrangements are...


Employee Retention Strategies

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