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Decoding Your W2 Forms with a Payroll Expert | Part 1: Boxes 1 through 9

Personal taxes are intimidating, which is why we're doing our best to simplify the parts that matter most. It’s good to understand how your paychecks are reflected in your W2, so in this two-part series, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the information on W2 forms.

How to Start an Employee Resource Group in 5 Steps

From booking guests to hosting book club discussions, Zenewomen is always planning something fun and educational. In the name of International Women’s Day (cue the confetti), we’re proud to exhibit one of our most successful employee resource groups and give you a sept-by-stop guide to build your own!

5 Steps Towards Improving Management and Increasing Employee Retention

People leave managers, not companies. The best way to improve employee retention rates and boost profitability is to train your management team to be supportive leaders. We talked to the experts and they gave us 5 steps towards improving management to increase employee retention.

Top 7 Tips to Increase Employee Productivity

Empower employees with our top tips for easily boosting employee productivity. We've compiled the best of recent business research, studies, and more.

How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Using Social Media

If you're looking to improve your organization’s diversity and inclusion initiatives, you may want to look to social media. These platforms help businesses with human resources in two important ways: internally to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and externally to attract more diverse candidates.

Harmful Micromanagement: How to Switch to an Autonomous Workplace

We’ve all had a boss who put the “manager” in “micromanager.” While many think this is a way to keep employees focused and productive, various studies have demonstrated just the opposite. Here's a look at how to boost morale and productivity by switching to an autonomous workplace.

Gamification in HR: Does it Work?

Gamification has grown exponentially in the past decade. Now that this phenomenon has had time to develop in the public sphere and integrate into the workplace, we’re able to assess its efficacy: has gamification actually shown results? Here's the overview of when gamification works and when it doesn't.

The Costly Effects of Stress in the Workplace

One of the largest issues that affects all employees in the workforce, regardless of their position or company, is self-care-- both physical and mental. Learn the financial impacts of employee stress.

How to Align HR & Business Goals in 5 Steps

The ability to connect HR initiatives to larger business goals is the most critical skill for HR pros. Our 5 step guide show you how to make that happen.

5 Reasons to Embrace AI

Artificial Intelligence is a phrase that pops up with increasing frequency in the media and with good reason. This new wave of technological advances is already impacting many aspects of our homes and workplaces; here's why you should integrate it into your HR department.


Remote Work or Return to Work? Exposing the Gap Between What Employers Think and How Workers Feel

Returning to work amidst COVID-19: See how small business owners and employees feel about remote work, if they see themselves returning to an office, and what preparations they are making as states begin to reopen.

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Coronavirus Checklist
Current Affairs

Coronavirus Checklist

An editable .docx template preloaded with tools and tips...


Tips to Conserve Cash

A list of grants and federal aid available during COVID-19...


The State of Flexible Work Arrangements

Get a first look at which flexible work arrangements are...


Employee Retention Strategies

Staff retention strategies that work...