How the 2020 HR Hiring Process is Changing for the Better

Learn how to adapt to today’s changing environment and increase your odds of finding the right candidate.

Recruitment strategies are evolving — here’s how to use some of the latest at your company

Here's what you need to know:

  • Internet, technology, and COVID-19 have caused a lot of changes to the typical HR hiring process
  • Video technology is now a standard tool for interviews, which is especially helpful during COVID-19
  • There's now more transparency and communication with hiring. The internet helps hiring managers better communicate about their process and let candidates know where they stand
  • Networking can happen any time, anywhere, and it’s much more casual. It’s not unusual to find a candidate while scrolling through Instagram
  • Working with an HR professional as an outsourced resource is a great way to adapt to today’s changing environment

The typical HR hiring process has changed a lot in the past few years, and most of it is for the better. At the heart of these changes is technology and, now, COVID-19. Prior to the internet, there were no means of interviewing virtually or using scheduling software to keep recruitment and interview tasks streamlined. Technology has helped HR to save time and money while making everyone’s life easier. However, the differences in hiring processes isn’t always so overt. There are more subtle changes that are worth examining.

A hiring manager’s reach is much broader than it used to be. In the early days of the internet, there were a few major job site platforms that people used (and still do!). Today, social media also plays a larger role. Gone are the days when the only way to learn about job openings and leads was to check out the local newspaper, trade magazine, or “pound the pavement.”

Back in the day, a hiring manager had a limited reach, sometimes to a devastating level. The same candidates showed up time and again; sometimes under-qualified candidates were hired simply because there was no better option. The internet completely revolutionized how companies find and hire candidates. Sometimes this can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s not your full-time job to recruit and hire candidates. However, the internet has also upped your odds of finding the perfect candidate, and working with an HR professional means you can delegate the hiring task to an expert.

Developments in interview technology

COVID-19 has also shown us that video is almost as good as in-person meetings a lot of the time, and that’s certainly true for interviews.

In the past, you had to fly candidates in for interviews or rely on a phone call to gauge their capability for the role. While that still happens, video technology is now a standard tool for interviews. Today’s video technology is much more accessible and high tech than before. COVID-19 has also shown us that video is almost as good as in-person meetings a lot of the time, and that’s certainly true for interviews.

Thanks to advances in technology, we’ve also taken the breathing room to focus on important issues in recruitment that used to be overlooked — such as hiring for a cultural fit. This is an important factor for both the hiring manager and candidate.

Not too long ago, candidates simply looked for the highest salaries and best benefits. They didn’t pay a lot of attention to work-life balance or how they’d feel in the culture of the work environment. At the same time, hiring managers had a hyperfocus on resumes including previous positions, degrees, awards, and technical skills. Being “perfect on paper” can often backfire, and today the hiring process gives more attention to whether the person will fit well into the role and company culture rather than whether they went to the best school.

Candidates are taking control

The days are over when hiring managers would (or could) make top tier candidates jump through hoops to get hired. These days, the best of the best are often in charge, and hiring managers “woo” these candidates by making the recruitment process as easy as possible. This means not forcing top candidates to take time off work, come in for an interview, or otherwise majorly inconvenience them. Video interviews are fast, easy, and accessible. This is also helpful to the hiring manager who is prioritizing a fast recruitment process.

There is more transparency and communication in the hiring process, which wasn’t the case years ago. Prior to the internet, it wasn’t unusual to wait months to see if you got a second interview or job offer. Today, hiring managers are better at communicating about the process and letting all candidates know where they stand.

Top tier candidates are sometimes directly approached by employers, but all candidates are also exploring different avenues for networking. Prior to the internet, networking was a forced, in-person “social” event that few people enjoyed. Now, networking can happen any time, anywhere, and it’s much more casual. It’s not unusual to find a great job (or candidate) while scrolling through your Instagram feed. Plus, not having to drive to networking events — and not even having them available in times of the coronavirus — saves a lot of time and stress.

HR hiring processes today

Candidates need to know how to “pivot,” or adapt to new scenarios and adopt new technical skills quickly. Sticking with the old ways simply won’t work anymore.

Overall, the employees that hiring managers seek out are also changing. Technical skills are huge, and an employee’s personality is critical. This is especially true for businesses who might be changing to virtual work environments semi-permanently or for good. Those without the skills necessary to work from home effectively are at a disadvantage in the pandemic. Candidates need to know how to “pivot,” or adapt to new scenarios and adopt new technical skills quickly. Sticking with the old ways simply won’t work anymore.

Businesses can change along with HR professionals and candidates, too. Working with an HR professional as an outsourced resource is a great way to adapt to today’s changing environment.

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